

The BOO MARKET, which used to exist as a small online secondhand trading corner within Notion, made its first appearance outside the digital realm! Members brought items to sell, creating a unique market where colleagues could buy and sell from each other. Let me introduce the festive atmosphere of the BOO MARKET and its preparation process below.
Online BOO MARKET within Notion

Seller Recruitment and Special Program Preparation

A key to successful market is having enough items for sale. After about two weeks of promotion, a large number of items were gathered (over 250 items, in fact!). Initially, there were concerns about not having enough items, but as the deadline approached, members gradually brought in items to sell. Eventually, there were so many items that space became limited, and there was a need to set up temporary tents due to the growing number of visitors coming to browse the goods. After all, it's more fun when there's still excitement about what's available, right?
The DJing, face painting, and lively on-site photo sessions were made possible through talent donations from our members. It wasn't just the Corporate Branding Team and People Team; various individuals contributed, making the event even more meaningful.

Market Preparation

We set up items for the market from the morning to prepare for the event. As we displayed the items on the tables, we realized we had gathered a lot! We were surprised, and so were the members who came to see the items.
A wide variety of products were prepared, including clothing, hats, accessories, camping tents, dolls, bags, pouches, wireless chargers, graphic cards, and more. The diversity of items made browsing enjoyable. Special programs like cotton candy, face painting, and DJing were ready for members to enjoy.

Finally, Time for BOO MARKET!

At 1 PM, the BOO MARKET began, attracting members returning from a quick lunch and those eagerly waiting in the lounge. The market area buzzed with activity as people started making purchases and heading to the checkout counter with items in hand.
In addition, we held a special raffle event exclusively for buyers with whiskey brought by Yunho, offered at less than half its usual price, which was hugely popular. It added an element of fun to the BOO MARKET, as attendees wondered who would be lucky enough to win the whiskey.
Clothing, especially those curated by our fashion-savvy CMO, Jinyoung, was among the most popular items. Jinyoung not only recommended clothes but also actively promoted sales, achieving the highest sales of the day.
Jinhee from the Global Team showcased her DJ skills with a doll purchased that day, and Yeji from the Corporate Branding Team delighted attendees with delicious cotton candy. Yurim from the Global Team added charm with cute hand and cheek drawings.
Boosters' first offline market ended successfully, with unsold items offered in a last-chance sale from 2 PM. Out of 250 items received, approximately 160 were sold, totaling an impressive 1,720,000 won in sales.
Despite areas for improvement in our first attempt, the enthusiastic participation of our members makes us look forward to the next one. If the first market was this successful, just imagine how great the second one will be!