
2023 BOOSCARS (Boosters’ End-of-year Party)

We had our second Boosters' end-of-year party. It was full of energy and fun, making it seem like no other company takes their party as seriously as us. We call our party 'BOOSCARS', themed after the Oscars. This year, all attendees came dressed as movie characters, adding flair to the party. The event was larger and more enjoyable than the previous year. Here's an overview of the Boosters' party.

Invitation to Booster's End-of-Year Party

Two weeks prior to the 'THE INVITATION' themed end-of-year party, the office was adorned with posters, X-banners, and invitations, stirring anticipation among the crew. The festive atmosphere was palpable, with a Christmas tree and seasonal decorations setting the mood for the impending celebration.

D-DAY! Is this an office or Disneyland?

The much-anticipated end-of-year party finally came. It was set to begin at 6 pm, but crew members started getting ready before lunch. They dressed according to the theme and applied makeup. Genie, who painted their face blue, surprised everyone. This encouraged others to dress up and get in the party mood early.

The More Spectacular 2023 BOOSCARS

This year's party was in a bigger place than last year and had more varied gifts and prizes. To keep the fun going, we had a special lottery gift ready when you walked in. We also made and handed out BOOSCARS light sticks for the party, and for future celebrations.

Final Rehearsal

Chiho, the head of the SCM team, along with Changseok, Yumi, and Seonjeong from the new group SNS team (Sugi, Newmi, Sunny), prepared for the year-end party. They practiced intensely, double-checked their sound and lines for a flawless performance. Yeji, from the CB team, also started getting ready, promising to be the star of the show.

Gift Drawing

At 6 PM, crew members started to arrive. Each person picked a colored sticker from the gift draw box. Based on the color, they received a gift: wine, tuna set, seaweed set, or ham set. Those who got the wine seemed the happiest. Also, many were surprised to see Edward Scissorhands, Alice, Snow White, and Olaf, making it feel like Disneyland.

Enjoying Meal Time at the Buffet

Our first order of business at the year-end party was mealtime. Food was presented buffet-style, offering a variety of dishes such as meat, seafood, salads, and fruits. Everyone eagerly filled their plates, sat down together, and engaged in lively conversations over a toast.
Leaders mingled and toasted with team members at the year-end party, a vital time to appreciate everyone's efforts and envision a brighter future together. Regardless of their experience attending previous parties, all participants enjoyed the lively event.

Special Stage by Booster's Official Singer

After an hour-long meal, the lights dimmed, signalling the start of the celebration stage featuring Booster's top singer, Chiho. Holding a pre-secured microphone, Chiho ascended the stage and began singing 'Stormy Road'. Despite sound issues during last year's performance, his stellar stage presence and singing quickly dispelled any past regrets. During an interlude, Chiho called for a "Guitar!", and Yeji, with her scissor-hands, mimed a guitar play, adding to the festivity.

2023 BOOSCARS Official Video 'The Invitation'

After Chiho's stage, we immediately presented the Booster's year-end party video, planned and prepared two months in advance, featuring many crew members. It began with the 'Here Goes Reporter Ryu' interview segment. The three commercial breaks and a retrospective photo montage marked the day's highlights and the video's conclusion.


This year, we recognized various winners via a survey, celebrating our crew's hard work. Boosters uniquely named the awards, and winners received a Boosters-crafted trophy, a cash prize, and orange roses - the color of Boosters.
The People Team has specially prepared the 'Eagle Eye Award' for our CEO, who always leads Boosters with full passion. After the award, the CEO announced our first incentive payout, rewarding collective efforts for achieving good results.

Who won the 'Best Dresser Award'?

Nominees for the Best Dresser Award showcased their efforts on stage. The top two received gift certificates worth 300,000 and 150,000 won. Scissorhands and Genie, strong candidates, humorously competed, providing a highlight of the event.
Scissors Hand and Genie tied for first place, amusing everyone with their face paint. Their efforts sparked talk of a best-dressed competition next year. Second place went to Olaf.

Group SNS's Debut!

The People Team prepared a surprise stage for two months for the year-end party. Group SNS, featuring Changseok, Yumi, and Seonjeong, trained intensively after work. A hilarious video of their practice sessions was aired before their performance, bringing laughter to the crew.
The SNS team's debut was a soaring success, showcasing perfect choreography to a Turbo song and interacting with the audience. Relieved, they enjoyed the year-end party post-performance.


The anticipated game time returned at our year-end party, themed around a film festival. We held three games: 'Guess the title + character from a movie scene', 'Guess the title from movie dialogue', and 'Guess the movie title from the music'. Points were awarded for correct answers, especially if the team mimicked the voice perfectly. Prizes were shared among winners of each game.

Year-End Party Concludes with Lucky Draw

The year-end party's finale was the lucky draw, bigger this year with four winners and larger prizes. Rewards included a 100,000 won gift certificate for 4th place, a 5-star hotel meal voucher for 3rd, a PlayStation for 2nd, and a Korean Air flight ticket worth 1 million won for 1st place.
Soyeon and Sehee, both previous award winners, secured 4th and 3rd places, while Youngju, a first-time winner, landed the 2nd place.
The draw left one top spot. The candidate, a single man from Boosters, announced himself. Hopefuls stood, then sat in disappointment. Only Mr. Cheonsang and Mr. Seokho from SCM were left, with Mr. Cheonsang winning. There were heartfelt congratulations for Mr. Cheonsang, a diligent member of the CS team. The team's mutual appreciation was a striking symbol of their unity.
The year-end party wrapped up early for those living far. Boosters designates the day after the party as a day off, enabling many to attend the after-party. Despite being only the second year-end party, the atmosphere has significantly evolved. We eagerly anticipate the next one.