
Welcome to the ‘818Orange Village’

In Boosters, we have a fictional universe called the ‘818Orange Village’ that represents our culture. Why do you think we came up with such an idea?
We wanted to foster a work culture that we can enjoy. We believe that an unspoken code of conduct, or basic etiquette, should form the foundation of this culture. Even minor issues can escalate if they accumulate over time.
However, the term 'etiquette' seemed too stiff for Boosters. As a playful take on this somewhat awkward 'internal etiquette', we conceived the worldview of '818Orange Village'. Our workplace is the universe and etiquette becomes this Universe's norms and culture.
So, we started planning the broad concept and progressively developing the story.


The story of the 'Oranges' who live in '818Orange Village'
It is known that in 818Orange Village, located in the southern part of Boolifornia, oranges with high sugar content and shiny peel live. This village had a unique culture and discipline that elevated the dignity of the oranges. Many oranges from neighboring villages, and even from nearby countries, came to study at 818Orange Village to learn about the village's culture and discipline. Particularly, oranges that broke important rules were expelled to the Hurom country, where terrifying juicing punishments were given...
The '818' in '818Orange Village' refers to the address of the Boosters office, 'Seolleung-ro 818'(Now, Teheranro 415). Despite changes of location in the future, we agreed to use this number with the intention of not forgetting our roots. We also chose 'orange', which contains the signature color of Boosters. So it's an 818Orange Village where the living oranges live. And the etiquette was set as a culture and discipline to help the oranges in the village maintain high sugar content, shiny peel, and good scent.
We also designed a map that represents each department or brand of Boosters as the primary institutions and facilities of the village. For instance, the M&A team, responsible for brand acquisition, is depicted as the immigration office of 818Orange Village.


Rules and Culture of the Village, and How to Use the Orange Farm
Once the overall concept was established, we began to consider the rules and etiquette. Instead of arbitrarily imposing rules, we surveyed the crew to identify any issues they encountered during their daily work. The response was larger than anticipated, which helped us to establish the rules quickly. Most of the feedback concerned the use of conference rooms and office security.
some of the feedbacks from the crew
Thus, we have outlined the rules and culture of Orange Village, as well as the usage of the Orange Farm. The village's culture is organized around the talents of the Boosters and the ten methods employed by the Boosters crew.


818Orange Village Public Commemoration Event
On the day we unveiled the 818Orange Village worldview to the crew, we prepared a surprise event. First, we made a brief announcement at our monthly town hall meeting, 'Boosting Day'. We announced the establishment of our etiquette. Pamphlets were placed on the crew's seats. These contained information about the village's rules and culture, how to use the farm, and department maps. Additionally, delicious oranges and orange juice, symbols of 818Orange Village, were also distributed.
Each meeting room is adorned with orange trees that symbolize the 818Orange Village, along with pamphlets and a guide on using the orange farm. We understand that not everything will change immediately, but we hope all crew members will take part in fostering a culture where everyone works joyfully while upholding even the smallest of etiquettes.