
Boosters’ Learning Platform, ‘Class818’

Boosters has fostered a unique culture of personal development. It's a culture in which members willingly share their knowledge and skills with colleagues. This empowers them to receive the necessary support from the company at any time, contributing to the growth of their colleagues and, ultimately, the company.
This culture emerged from a voluntary study conducted by the SCM team. The team, frequent users of Google spreadsheets, initiated the study, which expanded due to interest from other teams. From this, we learned that interdepartmental collaboration can extend beyond work tasks. Teams adept at using spreadsheets have automated previously manual tasks, enhancing convenience. This has greatly facilitated communication with other departments that primarily manage data.
We have established a system where more members can organically collaborate and voluntarily open lectures/studies to have a positive impact on each other. It's to encourage a culture of trying and challenging even if it's not perfect. The system created in this way is Class818.
Class818 is a unique Learning Platform of Boosters. It's special because it's a platform that not only the company but also the members can develop together. Any Boosters member can start and receive systematic support. Class818 is divided into three programs.


This program caters to specific needs within the company. It includes onboarding programs for new hires, interviewer training, leadership training, and so on.


This is a self-initiated program, set up and run by members to assist in their duties or work. Although members manage the program, Boosters provides support in advertising, recruitment, and resources for the program setup. This includes time, venue, and refreshment expenses to conduct the program during working hours. Moreover, a small monetary incentive is provided to members who dedicate their time to set up the program for their colleagues.


This program aims to foster friendship among members. Like the Professional program, members set it up voluntarily. However, as it is intended for socializing, it is conducted after work.
The system hasn't been in place for long, but changes are emerging at Boosters. If there is an area where assistance is required, you can freely suggest to your colleagues to initiate a study group or lecture. You might also consider what information would be beneficial if shared among colleagues. Boosters will continue to assess the systems and methods necessary for members' growth.