
Preview of the First 3 Months at Boosters

Boosters offers a systematic three-month onboarding process for new hires. This process, inspired by the idea of 'onboarding' a plane, aims to help new hires adapt to their work environment and prevent burnout, allowing them to fully enjoy their journey with the company. New hires, or 'crews' of 'Orange Town', the term used for Boosters' physical space, are guided to become true 'Oranges' in line with our worldview of the '818Orange Village'.
We offer programs like department-specific training, a buddy system, and an introduction program for new hires to learn about Boosters. We also provide frequent team building activities and ongoing programs for better acquaintance.


DAY 1 : Learning the essentials first

Summary: 1. Meeting with the People Team 2. Greetings with teammates and colleagues 3. A to Z checklist for Boosters
People Team (Sung Min, Yong Hwan, Yeon Mi)
On your first day, the People Team, Boosters' Avengers, warmly welcomes you, having likely met during your interview. We introduce you to our business, the Boot Camp onboarding process, and brief you on the shared office rules and Boosters' spaces.
At Boosters, we value greeting colleagues whenever you cross paths. Despite initial awkwardness, continuous greetings build intimacy and trust. On day one, we introduce new joiners to the team and encourage mutual greetings. Regardless of team, we warmly greet our precious orange Boosters.
Next, you'll become part of the Boosters crew and receive your Welcome Kit. This kit, along with other occasional gifts, signifies your belonging to Boosters.
You'll then set up work essentials via Asana, like WiFi and printer access, and learn Boosters' calendar registration and meeting minute writing practices. Understanding and setting up essential tools like Slack, Notion, and Asana is a top priority.

1st Month : Slowly, but Surely Seeping in

Summary: 1. Meal with a buddy 2. Class818_Onboarding program
In the first month of joining, you will have time to learn about Boosters through meetings with various people. It is also an opportunity to meet face-to-face with colleagues who have joined over a month.
Also, you can meet the people in charge of each part through various onboarding programs in Class818, a unique Learning Platform of Boosters. The Class818 onboarding program consists of a total of 10, half of which are face-to-face and the other half are non-face-to-face. You can grasp the necessary information to understand the business conducted by Boosters and carry out practical work. Additionally, you can gain clear insights into the tasks performed by other teams. While we perform different tasks, understanding each other's work is essential as we share the same goals.
Class818 onboarding program (1 month)
Understanding the current state of Boosters
Understanding the expense processing practice
Understanding SCM
Understanding BOOSTA (Boosters Data System)
Business etiquette
We assign a buddy to new hires for easy integration. This buddy, who is there for any questions, also gets activity expenses for lunch/dinner/coffee for three months. Reviews of these meals can be posted on our Slack channel.

2nd Month : Understanding Boosters 150%

Summary: 1. Conversation with the CHRO 2. Meal with a buddy 3. Class818_Onboarding program
In the second month, you reunite with the CHRO from day one to discuss your first month's experiences and challenges. Following the discussion, you'll continue with the Class 818 onboarding program.
Class818 Onboarding Program (2nd Month)
Understanding the role of Boosters M&A
Introduction to the Boosters corporate brand identity
Introduction to the new employee recommendation system

3rd Month : Becoming a True Orange of Boosters

Summary: 1. Probation evaluation and congratulatory meeting with team leader 2. Meal with a buddy 3. Class818_Onboarding program
Finally, it's the last month where all onboarding processes are completed. If the onboarding programs up to the second month dealt with practical matters necessary for work, The final month focuses on programs that you can enjoy, such as the additional benefits available to the Boosters team.
Class818 Onboarding Program (3rd Month)
Introduction to Class818
Guidance on Boosters culture and internal programs
Finally, a meeting with the team leader and CEO marks your transition to a real 'orange' of the 818Orange Town. The meeting with the manage gathering enables reflection on your time at Boosters, exchange of feedback, and open discussion about work experiences.
Boosters’ CEO Yoon Ho
Conversation with the CEO is a time to resolve curiosity about Boosters in a comfortable atmosphere and hear about the company's direction. Three months at Boosters is enough to prepare you for a meaningful conversation, right?
Boosters focuses on helping new hires adapt quickly and easily, ensuring onboarding is a positive experience fostering a sense of belonging and passion. Curious about our unique onboarding and culture? Feel free to reach out anytime!